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Crown XTI 4002
2 Channel Amplifier with on board DSP
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Crown XTI 4002

The XTi 4002 offers highly accurate sound reproduction with very low distortion and handles a wide range of speaker impedances and outputs for a high degree of system compatibility. An array of control features are implemented and easily accessed that include Crown's Peak Plus Limiters provide the ultimate in system performance and protection, 3 user-defined fan modes, adjustable EQ, adjustable crossover filters.
• Inputs: 2 x XLR plus link out
• Outputs: 2 x NL4
• Power Output: 650 Watts into 8Ohm / 1200 Watts into 4Ohms / 1600 Watts into 2Ohms
• Configured Presets Include: OHM BR-6 / OHM TRS-112 / d&b Max12